VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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Be sure to type in TEAM in the coupon block to get $25 off. Makes the total price about $225 bottom line.



Quote from: didi20031 on November 20, 2008, 06:20:02 PM
They want $115.83 for shipment to Europe... That's crazy!!! Is there a possibility to order the VED directly in Europe too?
Wow. Ridiculous. I am in Europe as well and interested in other options.

Thanks for those who helped out with this tip however.


 :) hey Old Man and everyone,

you suggested Fitzz for buying a VED.
i found this page:

and just wanted to make sure i get the right one.
i'm assuming the best one would be the one presently at the top,
first listed:

"Vitality Plus Three Cylinder Vacuum Therapy System - Recommended for Peyronie''s Therapy
SKU: AM1000P
$249.99 "

(it's placement on the page may have changed since i looked)

just curious... i'd like to purchase it in the next month, heck, maybe sooner!

what do you think? any suggestions or ones you think are better?



Old Man


Yes, that is the VED that we have had great success in using for Peyronies Disease. It can also be used for ED. In fact, it is basically the same unit as the Soma Correct that was taken off the market due to its not being officially approved by FDA for Peyronies Disease therapy. The package has all the necessary items for ED and Peyronies Disease usage. (Tip: Once you have used up the lubricant that comes with the package, go to any local store and buy the OTC cheaper lubricant. WalMart has theirs for about $2.00 and it works equally as well or better than the OEM.)

Be sure to read the preceding posts about asking or adding the link for a promo discount. Several have received the discount which will reduce the price. It was listed during the summer months at a lower special price.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

Actually the Soma Correct is still available from a company called "Edgepark" (, but I believe, by prescription only. (As we have discussed by PM).  I was originally informed by my so called "health insurance provider", (Cigna..."In the business of caring"...NOT!!!) that mine would be covered at 100% as "durable medical equipment', no copay or deductible.  After my uro approved the purchase and I had placed the order, Edgepark called me back and said that there was a $200 deductible (above my regular $100 deductible for medical services) and the unit was not considered durable medical equipment, but was classified as an "external prosthetic device". Also, Edgepark's price for the unit is $389. So after all the red tape , phone calls, being on hold for 30 minutes at a time, etc., it turns out that Cigna could save me about $25 if I bought the Soma from Edgepark instead of the Fitzz unit, which I understand is basically the same.  Just LOVE those insurance companies!!!


Old Man


Sorry to hear about your problems with the insurance company. That will be more and more the case in the future. The benefits will erode downward until we won't have much left.

You are right, the Soma Correct can be bought, but it is available only by RX and only for ED, not Peyronies Disease. The cost is probably way above the Vitality OTC model which does not require an RX.

Thanks for the information about the source.

Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


For  a VED in Europe, try


This is my 1st post.  I am the wife of a 45 yr old wonderful husband who has Peyronies, about 4 years now, do not know what caused it.     He did not seek help when he had the pain, I remember reading nothing could be done, so we did nothing.  Zero pain after a few months.   It has been "stable" for over 3-4  yrs now.  Urologist says he has a 75 degree bend when erect (from pics I took)-we think it has remained the same for all of these years.  His fibrious tissue is on the side so the bend is sideways, not up/down.  We are able to have sex fine, about every other day, if more than this, he may have trouble staying firm enough, but sometimes we manage a few extra days making it more than every other day.    Love the idea this Vacuum Device MAY help things, but also VERY WORRIED it could /might make things worse?  As for now, everything really is OK/satisfacotry.       Urologist said not to bother, but gave us samples of Viagra/Cialis, if he felt he needed them.    So what is the low down here, I just can not make up my mind if he /we should get one of these (the Fitzz Vitality Plus 3 cylinder model) .    Would it be JUST as beneficial if I make sure my man gets an erection every day on his own, than buy one of these?  Is this more about the Blood flow (daily) or the straightening of the curvature?    I seen somewhere someone said if you were born this way, that trying to strainghten it would be of no benefit if you can still have sex just fine.   Would that answer be different if the curvature was "acquired" ?    ???


LoveMy Husband,
First off, I think it is great you are taking the initiative in trying to so some research for your husband. In the end he is going to have to be willing for the therapy however.

Whether the bend is congenital (born with it) or acquired (Peyronies or other disease), it is the amount of pain, curvature, and whether sex is comfortable or not that may determine the type and intensity of therapy.  Yes a congenital curve can be more difficult to treat than the the acquired.

In your case, as long as sex is comfortable and there is no pain for him, then you may only want to try some straight forward therapy. For example, surgery would be out of the question in his case, as it is not necessary nor worth the risks.

However, drugs like Pentox along with some stretching or VED therapy would make sense. These are relatively easy things to try with virtually no side effects. And if he is able to become a little straighter as a result, then only the 2 of you can answer that question.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Dear LoveMyHusband

Have him surf on by here and the two of you could spend a bit of time reading the "Child Boards". These contain summaries of our discussions with salient points made in a brief format (in other words, it won't take ten years to catch up with what people have said here!)

I think that the VED would be helpful - quite possible. Doubt that it would hurt unless done improperly (too much vacuum without regard for how it feels).

The idea (well discussed in the Child Boards discussion of the VED) is that although it enhances blood flow, the main idea is to remodel the area of plaque by applying more tension to it than to the other side, thus leading to straightening. A healthy erection applies force throughout the tunica evenly - good for penile health but unlikely to lead to remodelling of the abnormal part.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


an update ....

Ive had no pain or very very little pain for the past 3 weeks which is great as I was in severe pain - i could hardly sit down - my nodules have softened and i really think that my curve is not as bad as it use to be  - it was always perhaps 20-30% and now I would say its 20% at most - and the dents seem to be less as well - so fingers crossed and lets hope it continues - maybe its the 9 months solidi pentox intake or the VED daily or the ALC.....???

No pain is absolutely FANTASTIC....!!!!!!!!!!!! I can almost forget about this...well at least some of the time:)


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



When did you start vitamin D3? Do you take vitamin K2?


that sounds great!!! I am really happy for you and I hope improvement will go on!!!  :) :) :)
I am in a quite similar situation: most of the pain has gone during the last two or three weeks. At the moment I am optimistic...

wish you all the best!!! keep us updated in the "progression" section!


germike - i started vit D3 about a month ago and ive never taken K - i live in a very hot climate so D3 comes naturally ...


Quote from: Iceman on December 03, 2008, 06:02:24 PM
germike - i started vit D3 about a month ago and ive never taken K - i live in a very hot climate so D3 comes naturally ...

DIDI 20031 - how long have you had Peyronies Disease for and what steps have you taken to try to get better??


my peyronies started in july, so I am in the fifth month now. I know it is a bit early for being too optimistic but as I have written below pain is nearly gone. I am on pentox (2x400mg per day), ALC (2x1 g per day), arginine (3 capsules before going to bed; don't know the exact dosage since it is a mixture of arginine, alpha-ketoglutarate and other similar substances), vit E 2x400mg per day and vit d3 (2400 IU in the morning). no VED up to now, but I am thinking about it. I have no bend (yet) and I still can get erections on my own (though it is more difficult to maintain them; I hope it is not due to venous leakage caused by peyronies?!?!?!). I am not sure if there would be any benefit for me from VED; oldman says yes... however, I am still reluctant since VED is really time consuming...


didi20031 - does Peyronies Disease cause venuoos leakage and exactly what is it??


I am not sure about that. I have found a lot of different information on that. venous leakage, as far as I understand it, is the fact that the veins of the penis are too big and/or that the tunica albuginea is not able to tighten them sufficiently to maintain an erection. that means that blood gets into the penis as it is supposed to but it cannot be trapped due to enhanced blood flow out of the penis.
can peyronies cause it? I don't know if peyronies can cause too large veins but it definitely causes a loss of elasticity of the tunica. what I am not sure about is if this really happens from the very beginning of the disease and if VED can help here?  ???
maybe a MD (Tim?) can comment on that?


since didi started on his pentox , ALC, vit e routine early could it be possible that he won't experience curvature or is it an inevitability? What do you think guys?

Old Man


Venous leakage can be caused by many things. Among them are diabetic disease, Peyronies Disease with the resulting plaques/nodules as well the curvature caused by the Peyronies Disease. I am sure there are other considerations involved with venous leakage and maybe others can help with an explanation.

Have had several friends who became diabetic develop venous leakage. Their primary care physicians suggested they start on the VED therapy for the resulting ED. They usually could get an erection, but would not hold up long enough for sexual activity. They had great success using the VED and retainer ring(s).

At about age 55, I developed ED due to the venous leakage and started using only a retainer ring. It was installed prior to getting an erection before sexual foreplay and as my erection developed, the ring would hold it for sexual activity.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


The usefulness of the VED cannot be overstated for those with leakage caused by diabetes and/or peyronies. By searching this forum it quickly becomes apparent how effective the VED can be for those following a daily routine for an extended period of time. Its also a very safe treatment when used correctly.                                                                                                              Any thoughts on my previous post?

Old Man


I was prescribed the VED way back in 1995 after my radical prostatectomy for the resulting ED problems. Tried the penile injections first which failed miserably for ED and caused more Peyronies Disease symptoms. Finally convinced my uro that the injections were not working and were developing more Peyronies Disease. He suggested the VED for erections, but did not think it would help with the Peyronies Disease.

He was wrong and soon afterwards I realized that the Peyronies Disease was seemingly slowing down and beginning to fade away somewhat. Also, he had suggested that I take high dosages of vitamin E along with the VED to see if that would help. For the first month of VED therapy, I took 1600 I.U.s of E, 400 four times a day. For the second month, I took 1200 I.U.s of E, 400 three times a day. For the third month, I tool 800 I.U.s of E a day 400 two times at breakfast and evening meal. Thereafter I have been taking 400 I.U.s per day after the evening meal. Six months of the VED therapy along with the E seemed to do the trick as my Peyronies Disease was virtually gone. It took another six months to "remove" the remaining nodules/plaque.

Today, I cannot feel any signs of Peyronies Disease at all in the penile shaft. I guess that it is in an arrested state at the moment. Since my first bout with Peyronies Disease, it came and went over the years so there is no guarantee that it won't come back, but so far I am good to go.

So, based on my experience with vitamin E along with the VED exercises, I can state that it seemed to help eliminate my symptoms. It apparently kept the blood thinned down and allowed it to flow better with the VED vacuum therapy

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Good Evening Gentlemen !  I have read a few posts talking about VEDs.  Any particular recommendations ?  I am currently searching for a urologist that is at least willing to TALK with & INFORM me about options.  Not much luck ( wait three months for an appointment , Watch, wait & see if it goes away, my favorite - "OH, WELL.").  I am willing to spend a few bucks, but i want one that is safe.  i am also interested in the vitamin E therapies.  Are there recommended sched's for the VED's ?  
Thanks for any info ! ! !

Old Man


Welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place to get some answers to your questions. You asked about VEDs that are safe to use and maybe help with your Peyronies Disease symptoms. The choice of those on the forum using VEDs now is the three cylinder manual models that are available without a prescription of a doctor. There are others that require a prescription form a doctor to purchase, but they are basically the same unit with a different name. Currently, the best priced VED is available from the Fitzz Company at this web site:  

The unit that I recommend is the Vitality OTC three cylinder manual model that sells there for $249.99 with free shipping and handling.

There is a protocol of exercises/therapy posted on the main forum home page under the title of Child Boards. To check this out, click on the Child Boards icon just below the Main forum link on the Home Page. It will bring a page listing all the topics in that board. There are two protocols listed there, one for the purchased three cylinder VEDs and one for the VEDs that guys have made themselves. Each protocol lists exactly what is involved in the VED therapy.

In addition, read all the posts you can under the VED board on the same topic page. It lists just about every post concerning VEDs and their use along with any results that have been achieved using a VED.

Let us know if you have other questions. We are here to help in any way possible. Others will probably give you some good information as well.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


But how does one get this Pentox?  Sounds like most doctors will NOT write you a perscription, I dont' think getting something out of a book or hearing it on a message board will be Ok with them, since most Docs are not even familair with treatment options for this.    Can you get this stuff without a persciption legally anywhere?  My husband is feeling down because he can not maintain an erection- at least not every day if we try.    Maybe every other day it will be firm enough (in the morning only)  3 days, he can do this, but no longer once a day.   For all the men on here on these boards, I would assume you are open with your wives, this is great, I do have that advantage with my husband, but he will not do the research, I must do that.  Which is Ok, he is up for anything I want him to do -in getting help.    Does everyone on here who used a Vacuum device also use the "ring" afterwards?  I worry this may hurt the veins in the long term?  And is this better than Trying Viagra , Cialis or other things?  We are really worried about what the futrue holds here, he is only turning 45 yrs.   It just seems too young to be dealing with that.  His testosterone is also Normal Low (at 344 when tested last month).   Normal was between 250- 1000.    


I am sorry you are experiencing this with your husband.  I am dealing with all of the same things as your husband and I just turned 25...  I won't go into the details of my situation as I have posted them in this forum enough.  What area are you located in?  You just need to find the right doctor to prescribe Pentox.  I live in North Carolina and Dr. Culley Carson at UNC Hospital was happy to prescribe it after a quick basic exam...  I did not even have to request it.  Good luck.  If your husband finds himself in an appointment with a urologist who either refuses to prescribe Pentox or tells him that the only thing they can recommend is lots of Vitamin E and that the situation may fix itself in a year I would recommend that he stand up and leave, pay for his appointment, and never come back.  I went to three doctors, two of them urologists, who were all EXTREMELY hurtful towards me (told me it was all in my head, etc.) and were frankly MORONS in the area of Peyronie's Disease.  

Sorry if this took this thread off topic...  was trying to respond to her question.  

Old Man


Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear that you and your husband are having such a terrible time with this problem. I will try to answer some of your concerns and questions about the VED therapy. For a lot of us on this forum and off the forum the VED therapy has been one of the few therapies that has shown some promise for ED and Peyronies Disease.

I was prescribed a VED in 1995 after a radical prostatectomy which left me just about totally unable to get and maintain an erection long enough for sexual activity. The pills were tried and none of them worked for my ED. Finally, my uro prescribed a VED to help with the ED. As a result of exercise sessions with the VED for erections, I discovered that it would help with my Peyronies Disease symptoms. Using a VED for erections will not cause damage to the penis if used in moderation and with extreme care in pumping the vacuum pressure. The retainer rings that come with the medical quality VED should also be used with extreme care. There are various tensions or strengths of the rings and their use must be experimented with until the right tension is found. Using the proper ring and the right amount vacuum pressure will provide an excellent way to achieve good erections and you should have no physical problems.

I suggest that you locate the VED thread on the Child Boards section of the forum and read all the compiled versions of posts about the VED that have been made for the past years.  You find the Child Boards on the Home Page of the forum and the link is shown just under the link to the main forum topics. Will be glad to assist you in any manner with questions and/or other items related to ED or Peyronies Disease.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Yup Old Man, I think I am going to opt for a VED small tube solution in conjunction with Pentox for the time being pending further development of a better ADS traction device and a better drug. Hoping to get my doc's buy in this coming week. Unfortunately for me, Fitzz does not ship to Canada so I am hoping the doc can recommend/prescribe a "medical quality" 3 cylinder system here..

Jackisback, any success on your quest for an "ADS" traction solution?

Regards to all here.....

Old Man


If you have not phoned Fitzz in person, you might want to ask them if they would ship to Canada if you paid the shipping and handling charges. I seem to remember that they have shipped to other countries before. Also, inquire if they have an outlet in Canada. Sometimes companies have stores in other countries.

Also, you might inquire from the Augusta Medical Systems (they make the Vitality VED) if they ship to Canada or if they have a distributor/sales outlet in Canada. Make sure that you specify the three cylinder VED when talking with Augusta Medical as the one they sell is called the Somaerect STF and is the three cylinder model. I don't know if they sell the Vitality OTC model as a three cylinder unit or not.

The web address of Augusta is:

Hope you have some success in getting a three cylinder VED at a reasonable price. Let me know if I can help in any way with either company.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


  Here is a direct link to the VED thread in the Child Boards. Reading this will bring you quickly up to speed on where we are at with VED's on this board and you can read personal experiences there without searching the lengthy original board thread.,439.0.html

  Opening the main Child Boards page will provide good reading with highlights of the other threads in this forum.

  The VED requires dedication and time, but many men have gained relief using the VED for Peyronies and ED, sometimes in combination.

  Welcome to the board... you will find support here.  



You can get Pentox under brand name Trental from

I think it's the real stuff, and plan to continue taking it until I have the ability to see a more regionally renowned Uro who will prescribe me Pentox. You will find support for VED overwhelming. I believe it would be a mistake not to give it a try given the success rate and the potential it has shown forever. However, one should always listen to what their body tells them, and you as well I'm sure will be able to observe if changes in his erection quality get better or worse. Obviously if they get worse you need to back off. As for whether VED can help someone who can already get erect every other day, my Urologist who does work at a good institution and has not on the hospital website that he specializes in (among many other things) Peyronie's disease claims that it does not help. I would say that the medical community is not unanimous on this, and I can say that for short periods of time (weeks) the VED did help my erections despite already having some ability to get erection before.

I personally have had loads of problems with VED. I believe that it is partly due to a general loss in sensitivity of the nerves in my penis, and I don't really feel pain in the tube when I overpump.

Two more notes: only use the restrictor ring on the VED if he has to, and then no longer than 30 minutes.  Also, I don't think you're supposed to mix Viagra or any other erection drug with VED.


Welcome to the forum.  I commend your support for your husband and the forum as well as your willingness to find out what you need to learn.

I have a suggestion that will help you and others get faster, more direct answers.  If you notice, posters overlooked your comments about pentox and being open with their wives, as well as ED drugs and ED in general.  Like you, my first posts on a forum covered many topics because I had a lot to unload and I was in a hurry to get answers.

I learned that sticking with one topic per post helps.  Your post was fine from a forum stand point but after one or 2 responses to one question, members forget you also had other questions. Consider posting about pentox in the "Oral Treatments" topic.

Your husband seems to have significant ED but it seems that since he can function at times, he could probably benefit greatly from just a bit of help.  It is important that you understand all the issues surrounding ED such a the impact of adrenalin (often resulting from anxiety), antihistamines, and venous leakage.  It is also important to consider the role of arginine, horny goat weed, Ginko, VEDs, constriction nooses or rings, and common ED drugs.  Most of these help when used separately or together but there are important considerations. You can learn more about these in the ED Topic , and this VED topic.  You can direct specific questions there.

On the topic of a constriction band.  I think the rule is if you need it for intercourse, use it but use the largest one that will maintain an erection.  In fact, I would start with an Actis adjustable band and it may not even require a VED to give the needed extra degree of firmness.  It goes on and is removed a bit more gently.


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Loves MyHusband
One of my problems is that I am always looking for ways to help my ED. Over the last 20 years of so I have tried everything legal and some from Mexico that were not.
After heart stents in 1996 my local uro put me on the VED without proper instructions and with in weeks I had pumped too much and caused a bruise that took some time to heal. Was probably my fault for not reading the instruction well.
For the next year I only used the VED sparingly, for sex with the constriction ring. 10/07 After failed implant surgery by my local uro I found this forum and Old Man. I followed his advice and within days felt like I had a penis again. The exercise helped a lot.
My only problem was not with the VED but the constriction rings. I have severe Venous Leakage and Corporal Fibrosis, among others, I found the tight pink Osborn D ring and that helped best, but at times I still lost the erection.
Over the next year plus, I continued the VED while looking for a doctor that could do a successful implant. After about 4 more local uro's I finally found an honest one and he referred me to Vanderbilt and Dr. Milam. I asked him about using the VED and he highly recommended it.You can read my surgical story under the surgery section.
My recommendation is do the exercise as outlined by Old Man. You will be pleasantly supprised in a few weeks with a larger more natural feeling penis.
To be honest I do not what I would have done with the exercise with the VED for the past year.
One other tip. Don't Ever-Never/Ever-Never/Ever-Never give up or stop having some form of sex.


Ok Question here:   The Urologist said he is 75% curved (from Pics I shown), now won't this be a MAJOR problem for these Vacumm devices? -making it more dangerous, if he pumps too hard , would get stuck in there? or he surely could not pump as much as the someone with half that much curvature?   I mentioned the Pump to his URO and he did not recommend - (Weeks ago-before I was reading & posting on this site), I did just call on Friday and speak to a Secretary about possibly getting this Pentox-if URO is willing to write a prescription.  Maybe I will hear back monday.   So I can get it legally -without a perscription using the Trental name from that site -if need be?   Seriously, who on here has a curvature as much as 75 or more % and uses the VED sucessfully?   This is what I need to know -before I buy one of these.  They do not discuss the Severity of the curvature when you look at the benefits of buying one.   ???


Dear Love my husband.

I think that your husband should come here, read and post.

That said, the degree of curvature is irrelevant. The penis starts limp and gradually gets filled with blood. As it does, in the narrowest tube, it finally plugs the diameter of tube, and then starts to elongate length-wise. As the penis comes to its stretched out length, there is more tension applied to the shorts side than to the long side. Because it is in the confines of the tube, it cannot fill out any more and it cannot bend at all.

Using lots of lubricant, I have never become stuck in a tube! Using the VED is not that "exciting" so the erection is more passive than active - when the vacuum is stopped, the penis starts to deflate rapidly. Occasionally when I am also aroused, it simply does not deflate that much, and it comes out slower. It then gradually fills out a bit more (now out of the confines of the tube) and the bend appears (though it is often noticeably less bent right afterwards).

I hope that makes sense. Other than a few exceptions, most folks have learned to use the VED without problem.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


My husband will not come here to post, he hates typing and is really not that articulate.  His posts would be like one sentence-if so.   And if he really started reading every thing I have read, it would NOT help him at all in feeling good about his situation. Believe me!   Since I started coming here, I have been feeling MORE devestated & now I am sooo preocupied &  worried about our future, I think I might be starting to get depressed.  The last thing I need is him feeling THIS way.   I am the researcher, he is good with that , I know he will do what he can - and what I buy or give him pill wise.  But that is all I will ask of him right now.  We are dealing with some issues in our sex life, my libito is WAY higher than his (Used to be other way around) but these past 3 months his has taken a nose dive,  he is feeling inadequate about not being about to perfrom as much as I want (I think some is psychological), I am having him go to an Encronloogist this Tues to get further testing to rule of prediabetes/thyroid issues -in why his testosterone level is low normal (344).    I do not want to add the added revelation that if he does not do this or that he will surely only get worse and only option being a Penile implant from NO decent Doctors in our area, and having to travel far away for appintments, etc,  if our insurance would even cover it?   Then I worry we shouldn't have sex, it will make it worse, sometimes too much reading only makes you worry more.  I know we need a Plan, and that is why I am here.  But he can not come here. Trust me.  



I think things will get better.  Well lubricated sex will not make his Peyronies Disease worse.  If anything it will help, and it is your chance to build his confidence in a way that will benefit both of you and your relationship.  You have not yet begun to try any of the many things that can help with ED or Peyronies Disease.

I encourage you to relax and make this an exciting time of exploring what works and what doesn't with no pressure to perform.  If you truly love each other there can always be fulfilling sex.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Tim468 on December 07, 2008, 11:57:10 AM
That said, the degree of curvature is irrelevant. The penis starts limp and gradually gets filled with blood. As it does, in the narrowest tube, it finally plugs the diameter of tube, and then starts to elongate length-wise. As the penis comes to its stretched out length, there is more tension applied to the shorts side than to the long side. Because it is in the confines of the tube, it cannot fill out any more and it cannot bend at all.

When it plugs the diameter of the tube, if the penis still has more room to expand then from a girth perspective doesn't that sort of restrict the penis (i.e. it's not good in terms of girth - whilst the penis is "learning" to be straighter it's also being compressed ? Isn't the optimal solution to have the diameter such that it perfectly accomodates one's penis diamter wise BUT doesn't allow any curve to form so you still get the longitudinal stretch? (This would no doubt mean some sort of home made apparatus).

Also wanted to ask, exactly how does Peyronies Disease cause a waisitng effect? And is the idea with the VED also to aplly a greater stretch/expansion in terms of girth to the tissue that is affected by the waisting/bottle necking etc. than the rest of the penis? Because i'm just trying to visualise it, and it would seem to me that an equal force is applied throughout the penis (from a girth perspective). As usual, i'm also trying to suss out how the treatment of these waisting effects may vary with congenital or Peyronies Disease induced curvature.


Let me see if I can explain the wasting effect and how it effects the penis as told to me by my doctor.
Hold up your finger and curve to the degree of your curve. If the curve goes away (like mine did) what you have left is on the short side of the curve. It only took from 1995 to 2008 for a doctor to explain it to me.
IMHO if the doctor I was going to in 1995 had explained this to me and put me on the VED exercise I would have not lost 23% of my length.
In the year between the failed implant and sesesful implant I followed Old Man's advise. gained back some lost size even after all that time, peyronies scar would not let me gain back more.
After a few days of propere VED exercise my penis began to feel normal again.
All I can say is if you guys don't have or use a VED you are letting peyronies, ED, venous leakage and corporal fibrosis take over. The longer you wait the more damage that you can not undo.


There may or may not be some confusion here:

Wasting - the reduction in size or volume (such as wasting away)

Waisting - The narrowing of an object around the midsection such as a human waist.  In Peyronies Disease we commonly call this hour glass deformity.

You have to love the English language :)

Both can occur due to loss of elasticity that prevents the penis or part of the penis from stretching to full size.  This deformity can cause a short side resulting in a curve, a plaque around the shaft causing an hour glass, or a dent in one or two spots.  The plaque can also be more generally distributed causing size loss with little curve.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


sorry i'm not sure how to ask a question but I was wanting to know the best ved to buy without a prescription, maybe a couple of choices, and can they make the peyronies worse if not used correctly

Old Man


Welcome to the forum as I notice that you have posted only for the first time. You have come to the right place for answers to your questions about Peyronies Disease as well as ED. There are a lot of highly experienced guys on the forum and are willing to help out in any case.

There are several good VEDs out there that work well for Peyronies Disease therapy. Most of us on this forum recommend using the three cylinder VED. There is a protocol to be used with these model VEDs posted on the main forum under the Child Boards link on the Home Page.

The one that most of us recommend is the Vitality OTC three cylinder model VED that is available without a prescription. The web site for it is:

Open this web site home page and select a link to men's health or health products and you can locate the Vitality OTC VED. The cost right now is $249.99 with free shipping and handling. If you use this promo code you can get a discount from the above price---TEAM. If you call in your order mention this word and if you order on line type in the word on your order to get the discount.

Now about using the VED with Peyronies Disease. Yes, you can cause further damage to your penis and/or Peyronies Disease if you use the VED incorrectly. The watchword that I always state is this = if there is any pain or discomfort present while doing the protocol exercises, you are doing something incorrectly or you have other problems. In any case, only you can be the judge of how much vacuum pressure you should pump while doing the exercises.

We are all here to help in any way possible. So,feel free to ask any and all questions you may have about VED usage or any other Peyronies Disease related problems you might have.

Hope the above helps with your questions.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: tired on December 11, 2008, 01:43:09 PM
sorry i'm not sure how to ask a question but I was wanting to know the best ved to buy without a prescription, maybe a couple of choices, and can they make the peyronies worse if not used correctly

I'm sure you'll receive some good suggestions for which VED to purchase if you wish to go down that route. As for making your peyronie's worse, any approach used incorrectly can make a considiton worse, much in the same way that any substance is toxic in excess (even water). I would say though that the VED is very difficult to misuse if you follow set instructions and routines. It's a very tried and tested path and I think it extremely unlikely that it will make your condition worse. It can certain help it though, so go for it!

EDIT: see below :)


sorry i made a post in the traction thread that was more directed about VED

curious to know peoples thoughts about:,575.msg17119.html#msg17119

Godzilla U.K.

Hi, This is my first post; I am 44yr old in the U.K. and have this curve to the left between 30-40 degrees for as long as I can remember (its almost a banana shape).  I saw a Uro who offered surgery about 5 yrs ago. There is no pain during sex ( just to say lately after sex in the middle of night I find myself waking up with an erection which can be quite painful and quite rigid!!). 6 months ago I had blood in my sperm. This was due to uncomfortable sex position so I went to see a different Uro as I still wasn't sure if it was Peyronies. Upon checking he found no bumps or lumps and put it down to Cong. curve. However the curve did increase by about 5-10 degrees after the sperm in blood incident. Again I was told by this Uro the curve wasnt bad enough to go for Surgery but could have it done if I chose to. I am left with worry if this could get worse and what options are there other than Surgery? Is Pentox or Traction any good? The Uro in the U.K. hasn't heard of Pentox before and says the only option is surgery.
Also would it be a good idea to post pics on this site to illustrate the curve or is that not allowed??
i put this posting in another section but was advised to put in here by jackp especiall for the attn. of Old Man or anyone else who could help. Thanking you all in advance.

Old Man


From the background that you give in your post, it sounds like that you have a combination of two things. First, IMO opinion, you did have congenital curvature which in itself is not a major problem with having sex unless it is so severe that you cannot penetrate, etc. Second, sounds like that you have "acquired" Peyronies Disease due to some trauma to your penis. There are many things that you should try to help with the Peyronies Disease prior to even considering surgery as that is considered to the last resort after all other therapies/treatments have been exhausted.

So, I would highly recommend that you read a lot on the Child Boards section topics before embarking on an all out fight with your Peyronies Disease. You can come up with a history of just about any case of Peyronies Disease that members of this forum have presented.

After you have done that and decided to do something serious about your Peyronies Disease, then start it with a determined effort to stay with the program. I strongly urge you to at least consider the VED protocol that is posted on the Child Board topic section of the Home Page here. The weapon of choice for most us using the VED is the three cylinder VED which is available in several different price ranges. The Fitzz company has the Vitality OTC three cylinder model at a reasonable price, but it might not be available in the UK. The Augusta Medical Systems has an outlet in the UK and you can obtain that web site from their home site at this address:

If I can help further, just give me a PM or post here.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks for all your PM help Old Man. I contacted the Fitzz people and they now ship to Canada (obviously the purchaser is responsible for Custom's Cost etc). That is great news for us Canadians because neither my uro nor my GP could source a "medical quality" 3 cylinder system here in Canada.

After a flat out refusal from my uro, my GP reviewed the whole situation and prescribed Pentox for me (initially for three months) his only caveat is that he wants to compare blood work after the three months before continuing. Things are looking UP. My uro/GP and I agree that if no change is seen after three months that is still a win because the disease has been active the last 6 plus months after having been dormant for almost two years.

Thanks again Old Man and all of you guys here!!!


I wrote to my Husbands Urologist and he did agree to give him Trental (is this the exact same thing as Pentox??) sounds like 1 pill 3 times a day for 1 month, then it changes and it has 5 refills.  I have not picked it up yet.  I also asked for a 3 cylindar Vacuum device to be perscribed and the secretary told me they only deal with "AUGUSTA Vacuum devices --here is the link ,they are not 3-cylindar.   But now we have an appointment in Jan for him to go and see how one of these Augusta's are used.  Anyone use this kind?  What is your oponion?

I just called Augusts 1-800- # and I guess they do have a 3 cylinder one called SOMAerectStf for Peyronnies.   They are now checking to see what -if any, his insurance would cover for this one.  If too high, I guess the one on Fittz ($) should be my choice then?


At the risk of interupting the thread of an important issue (access to 3 piece VED's), I have a question of my own that I don't believe I've ever seen posted or answered:

I have been using a VED steadily now for over a year & believe it essential to both the
"rebuilding" process but also to minimize shrinkage. However, the last time I asked a urologist about its benefit, I was told that the use of a VED is not very useful because the blood entering the penis from the vacuum is not arterial blood but is venial. While an erection may be produced, the VED does nothing to promote the general "health" of the arteries (artery?) within the penis which will gradually develop plaque (as in high blood pressure) unless blood is flowing - as it is in a "normal" erection.

Any experts out there who can elaborate or explain this??