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Hi guys. I've been struggling with a very slow healing penis injury since March. I'm 24, its been very devastating and life changing. All I want is to be able to use my dick again. Maybe some day. Anyway I will get into my case here.

All through life until March - I jerk off 1-3 times per day, dry and uncircumcised. Sometimes would force an erection to jerk off to help fall asleep. Definitely had no idea what was in store thinking all this was totally normal and harmless. Never had pain.

March 2021 - I develop a leftward lean and slight curve, along with urinary urgency and very weak stream, after a week of jerking off more than usual. In addition to all this a general uncomfortable and tight feeling throughout my pelvis. I couldn't even sit down right. This culminates in an Erectile Dysfunction visit where I could hardly get any pee out and they decide it's an STD, which it wasn't. I was later diagnosed with acute prostatitis and determined to have a tight pelvic floor. I saw a pelvic floor physical therapist and the routines helped me immensely. To this day I have no pelvic floor tightness. But the left lean and slight curve remained.

April 2021 - I see two urologists about this and they say I look fine. I got the second one to prescribe me tadalafil, so I start taking that. Ultrasound from second urologist shows nothing wrong. I start on the supps I have in my signature minus the L-Citrulline

May 2021 - Reinjury. I get an erection while my penis is in an awkward position and feel pain with a popping/snapping feeling. Curve and pain got worse, after this I went into full on peyronies prevention mode.

June 2021 - Looking so good. Starting to feel normal. The only remaining issues were distal narrowing and an ever so slight curve with a totally usable erection. I should have forgotten all about peyronies and went on with life at this time.. but I got greedy

End of June 2021 - I'm stoned in the bathtub and decide to try a brilliant new type of manual stretching I think up. Worst mistake ever. I reinjure myself so bad that I lose significant length and girth. Devastating to say the least. Horrible pain for weeks, pain with walking, could not move my penis from it's exact curved position without pain. Some of the worst days of my life during this time.

July 2021 - had to stop tadalafil because it worsened my tinnitus. Penis is healing itself at a snails pace. Microscopic improvements.

present day August 2021 - on L-Citrulline to replace the tadalafil. I've healed back some length and girth but nowhere near where I want to be. I still have a long way away from being at the point I was at before trying that stupid stretch. Now I don't care if I never go back to before all this started. I've decided if I EVER can heal to what my penis was like that day before I stretched it. On that day I will feel life I've won. If that day comes.

I'd say the worst part of all this is that while my penis isn't 100% I feel like I'm not 100%. That's a stupid way to think but I don't know. Like I can't fully enjoy anything until this is fixed. It's easier to forget about when there isn't pain. But most of this course I have had pain every day. So many times that I should have enjoyed life have been diminished or entirely ruined by this.  

My injury feels like it's at the inner penis. My curve starts right out the gate at the base. I have discoloration of the distal half of the penis that wasn't there before as well as distal narrowing. The curve and pain are more pronounced when flaccid. I'm nowhere near being able to have sex or even grind with a girl at a concert. I'm 24 and single and definitely worried for my future with all this - but still going through life having as much fun as I can, trying to make me my best self for that day when maybe I have my penis back. Why does it heal so freaking slow... ugh. Well good to meet you all, I've been lurking here awhile.

24M, dent injury on left side base, no scar tissue yet, flaccid pain

taking L-Citrulline 1500mg, ALCAR 1500mg, COQ10 300mg


Welcome to the forums. You probably read the survival guide already but if you haven't

I've read many people, including myself, who've gotten ultrasounds early on that show nothing. Ultrasounds on an erect penis are likely to have better results. You may be able to get a definitive diagnosis later if you do indeed have peyronie's.
Take a break from masturbating to let your penis heal. I know it's tough, but it's necessary.
Perhaps you can try half the dose of cialis? I believe it's going to have the most impact with healing early on, along with some traction, possibly a VED.
Best of luck to you, getting this so young is a crappy feeling to say the least. Good thing you're taking steps early on to slow it down.  
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray


I was on basically the lowest possible amount of tadalafil 2.5mg but I am considering trying it again or increasing the L-citrulline dose. Good advice, thanks man  
24M, dent injury on left side base, no scar tissue yet, flaccid pain

taking L-Citrulline 1500mg, ALCAR 1500mg, COQ10 300mg


It's definitely worth trying again. It will promote night time erections and blood flow, which theoretically should speed up the healing process. Your body could adjust to the side effects, I know mine did pretty quickly. Now I don't get any at all.  
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray